passionate about spreading His Word. Salvation is a gift that you can find in our ministry.
Recent Article:
The Story of the woman at the well
Woman of Sychar Ministry comes from the story of the Woman at Jacob’s well in John 4:4-42. The Samaritan Woman of Sychar comes to the well, and Jesus, a Jew, asks her for a drink of water. In those times, it was not proper for a man to speak openly to an unknown woman, nor was it deemed appropriate for a Jew to talk to a Samaritan. Given the social norms of the time, the woman should have turned her back and walked away. Instead, she asked why he would ask a Samaritan woman for a drink? Jesus replied, “Everyone who drinks this water will thirst again, but whosoever drinks from the water that I will give him shall never thirst again. And this water shall become in him a well of refreshment springing up even to eternal life.”
Woman of Sychar Ministry is to transform the lives of women, and their children who have experienced family disruptions, trauma, and other challenges that may have substantially impacted their lives. These challenges put women, single mothers, and children at risk of discomfort. Our ministry is to provide education, shelter, life-skills training, Bible study, and to inspire them to improve their lives through a more structured environment. Giving them opportunities for education, to rebuild while growing spiritually, we believe that we will fulfill our calling to introduce them to the Living Water of Jesus Christ.
In Christ,
Yovena Pierre-Louis
Bible Teacher, M.Div., M.Ed.